Movable property ( as distinguished from real estate). 动产(与不动产相区别)。
The reason is that only a few bolder elements would welcome the premature distribution of movable property and that the basic masses would not get anything and would therefore be dissatisfied. 因为过早地分浮财,只是少数勇敢分子欢迎,基本群众并未分得,因而会表示不满。
The term "property" as mentioned in this Law includes real estates ( immovable property) and movable property. 本法所称物,包括不动产和动产。
Leasing of tangible movable property – this includes both finance leasing as well as operating leasing of tangible movable property. 有形动产租赁服务–包括有形动产融资租赁和有形动产经营性租赁。
He had bequeathed the whole of his, and what had been her, movable property to his father: the poor creature was threatened, or coaxed, into that act during her week's absence, when his uncle died. 他把他所有的以及曾经是她的动产全遗赠给他父亲:这可怜的东西是在他舅舅去世,凯瑟琳离开一个星期的那段时期受到威胁,或是诱骗,写成那份遗嘱的。
All his movable property was forfeited to the king's use. 他的全部动产被没收归国库所有。
The leasing of movable property, for example, is taxable provided your company have an establishment within china, and bear relevance to the operation. 如果租赁的是动产,在中国设有机构且它同租赁业务有关系时,你公司才应在中国纳税。
Likewise, the lease of tangible movable property by foreign entities to entities in China is not subject to VAT if the property is entirely used outside of China. 类似的,如果境外企业向境内企业出租有形动产,但该有形动产完全在境外使用,那么就不需要缴纳增值税。
In the latter, we should confine ourselves to propaganda, covert organizational work and the distribution of a certain amount of movable property. 在游击区只作宣传工作和荫蔽的组织工作,分发若干浮财。
They gave the value of one-fourth of all the movable property that they owned. 他们捐出了他们全部动产的四分之一的钱。
He left a movable property in France, but he did not make a will. 他在法国留下一笔动产,但未立遗嘱。
Its application scope is generally confined to the movable property whose publicity way is transfer of possession. 其适用范围一般限于以移转占有为公示方式的动产。
The monastery not only owns the movable property of large quantity, owning the real estate of large quantity at the same time, becoming one of the important corpuses of the feudalistic society property rights. 寺院不仅拥有大量动产,同时拥有大量不动产,成为封建社会财产所有权的重要主体之一。
At present, many rules should be further studied, as well as, in the Property Law; the provisions of security interest for movable property still have to be improved. 我国物权立法工作正紧锣密鼓地进行,相关国际金融组织和中国人民银行均向立法机关提交了完善其中动产担保物权制度的建议。
A Study on the Movable Property Delivery System 动产交付制度研究
The registration of advance notice is an important constituent about the real right change of the estate ( special movable property) and the registration system, which can safeguard creditor's right 、 protect transaction security 、 defend the market credit. 预告登记是不动产(特殊动产)物权变动和登记制度的重要组成部分,对保障债权人的权利、保护交易安全、维护市场信用具有重要作用。
Laws of the place of destination apply to the property right for the movable property in transportation; 运输中的动产物权,适用送达地法;
By employing a comparative study, the article explores the transfer model of movable property ownership contract. 本文采用比较法的方法,就有体动产所有权合同移转模式进行了探讨。
With the main function of public declaration, consignment is the main method of movable property. 交付是动产物权的主要公示方法,也是源自古代仍活跃于现代的物权制度。
The system of transferring guarantee comes and develops into a untypical guarantee system, which meets with the urgent needs to finance and use the movable property of the market economy. 让与担保制度是顺应市场经济发展对资金融通和动产用益的迫切需要而产生和发展起来的一种非典型担保制度。
In this part, I have defined pledge of securities from target and nature the two aspects on the basis of discussing concept, nature of pledge of rights and its relation to pledge of movable property. 在这一部分,笔者在讨论权利质权的概念、性质和与动产质权相关联的基础上,从标的、性质两方面对有价证券质权进行了界定。
She also makes some comparison on movable property system in various countries; 对各国动产登记制度进行了比较;
Preoccupation is one of the primitive methods to gain the possession of movable property. 先占是动产所有权原始取得的方式之一。
The second part gives theoretical analysis of movable property mortgage. 第二部分,动产抵押追及力分析。
This part summed up the basic pattern of the movable property leasing contracts. 总结了动产租赁契约的基本模式。
Movable property and immovable property is classification for the entity. 动产和不动产当然是对有体物的分类。
In the depression of the world economy Movable Property Floating Charge is more and more interested by people. 在世界性经济不景气的背景下,人们越来越关注动产浮动抵押。
In this essay, Movable Property Floating Charge is considered as the main research subject. 本文以动产浮动抵押为研究对象。
Finally, introduce the relation problem of the conceptual delivery and movable property quality power, lien. 最后,介绍观念交付和动产质权、留置权的关系问题。
The real estate picks the registration method, the movable property picks the payment ( to hold). 不动产采登记方法,动产采交付(占有)。